Sacred Heart Church - The Heart and Hands of the Community

Holy Name Society

A Message from the Holy Name Society


While attending a Catholic Men's Conference last year at Seton Hall University, I noticed a large banner behind the stage that read, "As steel sharpens steel, so one man will sharpen another".

We are blessed at Sacred Heart Parish to have a Holy Name Society. The goal of the HNS has not changed for generations of Catholic men, which is to grow in faith, spirit and to support each other as we do so.

At Mass we learn through the Gospel readings how to live our Christian faith in this world. Sometimes that can be very difficult. People need people. Every male parishioner over 18 years of age is invited to be a member of the Holy Name Society here at Sacred Heart Church.

The meetings are on the 2nd Sunday of every month for 1 hour after the 12:15pm Mass in the Convent Dining Room. The meetings run from September to June. We discuss things we have done in the past and what we would like to do in the future to "achieve our goal".

One important goal is to make our parish stronger and better, and often that means physical repairs, etc. Our cemetery house is in need of a major clean-up. The HNS would like to take the lead on this, with the support of new members. This project is just the start. This means you!

We as a people scrutinize the time we have during our busy week, prioritize and determine what we think should be made time for and what shouldn't. Make no mistake; your priority should be in building a kingdom for your life to come.

Please take a moment to consider joining The Holy Name of Jesus here at Sacred Heart Parish. Listen to the voice inside of you...is it the noise of an edge being put on steel or the sound of the men working together in God's sweet vineyard.

Hope to see you at our next meeting!

Eric Redonda, President, Sacred Heart Holy Name Society