Gathered in Love
2020 has been a hard year, and we do not know what the future holds. In true acts of compassion, we have all obeyd the requests to stay at home, socially distance and wear masks to protect the lives and health of our neighbors and families. This is a true act of love.
However, the social distance has not separated us in spirit. As the community of Sacred Heart has been struggling to gather in person, we can gather virtually and letting our Christmas cards decorate the trees around the Tabernacle, the "dwelling place" of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Blessed Sacrament.
Please send us a digital copy of your family's Christmas card images and we will print them out, cut them out and hang them on the trees. Additionally, (with your permission) we will compile a slideshow of the Family of Sacred Heart which we will post on the Feast of the Holy Family.
Please email your images to our Director of Music -
Jennifer Behnke:
Additionally, this year we have created an exterior Advent candle display for Broad Street to "light the candles" with the Bloomfield Community, with banners that proclaim the gifts of Christmas "Hope, Love, Joy and Peace". Nearer to Christmas, there will be a new Nativity set on the Convent lawn installed to be visible from Bloomfield Avenue and State Street. We are hoping these new additions to our exterior Christmas decorations will bring the light of Christ into the darkness of the world around us.