Sacred Heart Church - The Heart and Hands of the Community

Altar Servers



The Altar Servers are an important part of the Mass here at Sacred Heart. They assist Father with the Book, set the Altar, help collect the gifts, and cleanse his hands. With their good work, Father can concentrate on the Eucharistic Prayer, at which time the ordinary gifts become the Body and Blood of Our Lord. The Servers add a sense of reverence and majesty to the Mass, allowing the people to appreciate more fully in what Jesus Himself has given us.


Altar Servers can be girls or boys who have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Most of them stay with us through High school, some even into their College years. Before Serving at Mass, new Servers are trained and commissioned. They are then teamed with experienced Servers for several months. Generally, you will Serve at one Mass every two weeks. Altar Servers gain a greater knowledge of our Faith while learning responsibilities in a public venue.


Please consider making this your Ministry. You may leave your name at the Rectory, 973-748-1800; or call Deacon Jerry at 973-429-0240.