Choirs at Sacred Heart Church
Worshiping God through music is an integral part of our Catholic heritage. The choirs at Sacred Heart Church lead, inspire and enliven congregational singing at masses and liturgies throughout the year. Additionally, solo choir anthems are chosen from the past as well as present day masterpieces.
To achieve this, the choristers are constantly learning and honing proper vocal technique for a healthy long lasting voice, and exercising musicianship skills including music and note reading, ear-training, stylistic interpretation, musical terms and the employment of multiple languages through proper diction.
If you would like to be a part of the Music ministry at Sacred Heart, please email our Director of Music, Jennifer D. Behnke at:
The Chancel Choir
The Sacred Heart Chancel Choir leads congregational singing at the 12:15 p.m. mass from early September through mid-June, as well as Holy Week liturgies and the major feast days of the church year. The choir also presents programs throughout the year including the Advent Service of Lessons and Carols. The choir is comprised of adults and young adults (post-confirmation) and rehearses on most Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. Rehearsal attendance is required for mass choral participation.
The Multi Cultural Ministry Choir
The Multi-Cultural Ministry (MCM) of Sacred Heart Church represents the richly diverse cultural composition of our parish, practicing the Catholic faith expressed in various traditions. This ministry proclaims the Good News of Christ through singing in the choir at the 5:30 p.m. mass on Saturdays of the month. The Multi-Cultural Ministry Choir also sings at special liturgical celebrations, including Simbang Gabi, Advent Lessons and Carols, and major feast days of the Church Year. Comprised of a core group of dedicated volunteers of all ages and backgrounds, this choir rehearses Saturdays at 4:15 p.m. Rehearsal attendance is required for mass choral participation.
The Children's Schola
Sacred Heart’s Children’s Schola is a choral ensemble dedicated to teaching the faith through a practical engagement with music strongly rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition. In keeping with the tradition of the Universal Church, the Children’s Schola repertoire will range from Gregorian chant to works by living composers. The Children’s Schola is open to all children of the parish whose voices have not yet changed. Typically ages range from 5 years to 15 years old. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. beginning September 2, 2014. Attendance at rehearsals is required for participation at the following Sunday's Family mass. The Children's Schola of Sacred Heart is a member in good standing with the Pueri Cantores Festival, the official children's choir recognized by the Vatican. As such, members in grades 4-8 attend an annual festival in New York City and learn from expert musicians, and join lead a liturgy with choirs from all over the region. Photos below are of our 2018 trip to St. Jean Baptiste Church and 2017 mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral.

The Holiday Choir
The Holiday Choir joins with and augments the Chancel Choir for the Christmas season and for Holy week. Designed for singers who are unable to commit to the regular rehearsal schedule, or for students returning home from college for vacation, members contact the Music Director six weeks prior to the holiday to arrange a rehearsal schedule, and are required to attend a minimum of three rehearsals prior to the holiday.